Conscious breathing effects

July 23, 2023

Conscious breathing effects

July 23, 2023

How conscious breathing exercises affect the way we feel and think?
A conscious breathing exercise helped people make tough choices with a clear head. You won’t believe how simple breathing exercises can impact our decision-making and stress levels!

Even Nancy Pelosi advised the White House to “Take a deep conscious breath” before making tough choices about Iran tensions.

Chess Grandmasters and Navy SEALs use similar techniques for intense psychological challenges!
They use conscious breathing to make better decisions under pressure.

So, can it also work wonders for business decisions?

A study tested a 5-2-7 breathing exercise, which Shifta provides as decision making breathing exercise.

A recent collaborative study tried to find out. They had students take the breathing exercise before making important business choices.

The breathing exercise improved decision-making performance and prevented stress under overwhelming psychological pressure.

Imagine being in charge of a fictional retail clothing company and facing all sorts of overwhelming information and questions. That’s what the students in the study had to deal with.

For two minutes before answering the questions, the control group relaxed while the breathing exercise group practiced the 5-2-7 decision-making exercise.

The results were impressive! It prevented students from feeling stressed after the decision-making test.

On average, each student in the “breathing exercise” group made one more correct decision than each student in the control group, getting 3.3 out of 7 decisions right, compared to 2.3 out of 7.

The link between alertness and decision-making is fascinating. Our decisions can change dramatically based on how awake or “aroused” we feel. Too much arousal can mess up our thinking and concentration, leading to stress.

Why did the 5-2-7 breathing exercise improve decision-making?

The rhythm at which we breathe is generated by a part of the brain located very near the site that plays a core role in arousal.
Early evidence suggests the two sites may influence each other so modifying the rhythm of breathing modifies the level of arousal.

By curbing a rise in arousal, breathing at a slower pace may prevent psychological pressure from inciting stress.

Breathing exercises seem to have this magic effect on the brain. They can influence the part responsible for arousal, keeping us cool under pressure.

You can easily incorporate the 5-2-7 decision-making exercise into your daily routine using Shifta the app.

Take five minutes before a tough presentation or a nerve-wracking meeting. It can make a real difference in your decisions and how you handle stress.

So, if you want to make better choices and reduce stress in your life, give Shifta a try. It might just be the key to your best decisions ever!

Shifta provides breathing techniques that are simple, effective, and easy to implement at different times of the day that can have a profound positive effect on the way you think and feel.

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