
Hack your inner state to thrive

How Shifta can help you hack your inner state to improve your emotional and mental fitness?In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to remain emotionally and mentally fit daily. Shifta is your toolset to nourish your emotional and mental fitness. An app that combines modern therapeutic psychology, neuroscience, and ancient human development practices to … Continue reading “Hack your inner state to thrive”

Growth mindset benefits

Discover the power of a growth mindset. Let me share something fascinating with you – the power of a growth mindset and how it can benefit us big time. For years, psychologist and professor Carol Dweck worked on some research and discovered something awesome: students’ mindsets affect their motivation and achievement. When they believed they … Continue reading “Growth mindset benefits”

Conscious breathing effects

How conscious breathing exercises affect the way we feel and think?A conscious breathing exercise helped people make tough choices with a clear head. You won’t believe how simple breathing exercises can impact our decision-making and stress levels! Even Nancy Pelosi advised the White House to “Take a deep conscious breath” before making tough choices about … Continue reading “Conscious breathing effects”

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Where anyone and anywhere has access to the immediate benefits of emotional self-regulation and mental reframing exercises that hack your autopilot state to nourish your emotional and mental fitness. Try all the exercises free for 21 days and begin your journey to regain your optimal inner state.

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