Hack your inner state to thrive

July 23, 2023

Hack your inner state to thrive

July 23, 2023

How Shifta can help you hack your inner state to improve your emotional and mental fitness?
In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to remain emotionally and mentally fit daily.

Shifta is your toolset to nourish your emotional and mental fitness. An app that combines modern therapeutic psychology, neuroscience, and ancient human development practices to help you achieve your optimal inner state with action-related exercises that balance your autonomic nervous system, self-regulate your emotions, and reframe your self-limiting beliefs.

So, what exactly is mental and emotional fitness, and how does it differ from mental health?

Mental fitness: your ability to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a positive mindset while facing challenges.
Emotional fitness: your ability to recognize, express, and regulate emotions effectively.
Mental health: your ability to cope with the stresses of life and focusing on the absence of any mental disorder or ailment.

To summarize, emotional and mental fitness enables you to thrive and mental health to cope with life’s challenges.

An optimal inner state is a mix of alertness and focused attention with a sense of calmness and relaxation.

By using Shifta regularly, you can develop skills and habits to help you manage stress, regulate your emotions, and maintain a positive outlook.

Shifta provides exercises that help you become more aware of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and learn to manage them more effectively.
It provides tools for relaxation, focused-attention, reframing negative self-talk and cultivating a growth-oriented mindset to nourish your optimal inner state.

Two key features of the app are its focus on emotional self-regulation and mental reframing:
Emotional self-regulation guides you through a process to learn to recognize and shift emotions when you are becoming overwhelmed or emotionally dysregulated.

Mental reframing helps you to resurface your self-limiting beliefs through meta-reasoning and meta-awareness.

Meta-reasoning involves reflecting on your thinking processes by identifying those thought patterns that limit your growth or cause negative emotions. Meta-awareness involves recognizing thoughts as mental events and not equating them to reality.

By developing these skills, you will think more critically and rationally and create a more relaxed, positive and growth-oriented mindset.

In conclusion, emotional and mental fitness are essential components of overall well-being.

Using Shifta frequently, you can develop the skills to manage stress, regulate your emotions, and maintain a positive outlook regardless of the challenge.

Try it and unlock your true potential with Shifta – your health app for a more self-aware, confident, productive, and resilient you.

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Where anyone and anywhere has access to the immediate benefits of emotional self-regulation and mental reframing exercises that hack your autopilot state to nourish your emotional and mental fitness. Try all the exercises free for 21 days and begin your journey to regain your optimal inner state.

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